The AXA Fellowship is a funding scheme aimed at supporting young promising researchers on a priority topic aligned with AXA and the Society.
Als Bewerber:innen kommen Student:innen, Wissenschaftler:innen, Künstler:innen und Schriftsteller:innen in Betracht, die sich in ihrem Werk bzw. ihren Forschungen mit der Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen in den böhmischen Ländern, besonders in ihrer Wechselwirkung mit der tschechischen und anderen Kulturen dieser Länder, beschäftigen.
Die Stiftung bezweckt die Förderung der Lehrerbildung in der Schweiz durch die Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Aus- und Weiterbildung der Ausbildner und Ausbildnerinnen von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern.
Die Ausbildungs-Stiftung für den Kanton Schwyz und die Bezirke See und Gaster (Kanton St. Gallen) vergibt Stipendien und Forschungsbeiträge für tertiäre Ausbildungen.
The Dalle Molle Foundation for Quality of Life awards the ‘Quality of Life’ prize to a current research project which has already been recognised by research support bodies, public institutions or private companies for its scientific quality.
BRIDGE Discovery is aimed at experienced researchers for basic as well as applied research in order to realise the innovation potential of research findings. It allows the researchers to forge ahead with their vision during the critical precompetitive phase.
BRIDGE Proof of Concept helps young researchers to apply their research results and gain the confidence needed to make a market entry. The projects may target innovations of all kinds from all research areas.
The primary aims of the foundation are, globally, to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty, and, in the U.S., to expand educational opportunities and access to information technology.
CHIST-ERA funds interdisciplinary collaborative research projects in the field of Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies
COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology.
To promote research and education in cyber-defence, the EPFL and the Cyber-Defence (CYD) Campus have jointly launched the “CYD Fellowships – A Talent Program for Cyber-Defence Research.”
Each year, the Central Europe Foundation provides funds to support students in the Graduate programs of the Universität St. Gallen (HSG). In keeping with the foundation’s mission, these need-based scholarships are awarded to students from Central and Eastern Europe and from Latin America who are studying in areas related to economic cooperation in Europe and elsewhere.
The University of St. Gallen may allocate subsidies for congress expenses to HSG researchers.
The «Congressi Stefano Franscini», conference platform of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Zurich since 1989, gives the possibility to organize research conferences and workshops at Monte Verità, a hilltop over Ascona and Lake Maggiore.
Das Cusanuswerk ist das Begabtenförderungswerk der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland und vergibt staatliche Fördermittel an besonders begabte katholische Studierende aller Fachrichtungen während des Studiums oder der Promotion.
ECSA Suisse awards a prize for the best single-authored research article published in an academic journal on the European Union by a junior scholar affiliated to a Swiss University.
EDUCA SWISS ist eine gemeinnützige Stiftung, deren Leistungen von allen Personen in Anspruch genommen werden können, die in der Schweiz wohnen, unabhängig davon, welches Berufsziel sie mit ihrer Aus- und Weiterbildung verfolgen.
Die Esche Schümann Commichau Stiftung leistet einen Beitrag zur Förderung des juristischen und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses, insbesondere durch die Vergabe von Förderpreisen für Dissertationen, Habilitationsschriften und Diplomarbeiten.
The Einstein Foundation Award for Promoting Quality in Research aims to provide recognition and publicity for outstanding efforts that enhance the rigor, reliability, robustness, and transparency of research, and stimulate awareness and activities fostering research quality among scientists, institutions, funders, and politicians.
Die Schweizerische Studienstiftung verleiht in Zusammenarbeit mit der Ernst Göhner Stiftung Stipendien an finanziell bedürftige Kunstschaffende in Ausbildung.
Eurostars supports innovative SMEs and project partners by funding international projects, in particular sustainability projects
The Dr. Theo and Friedl Schöller Research Center at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg aims at contributing to responsible leadership in business and society.
The Hans Wilsdorf Foundatoin is active in the fields of social action, training and culture. In accordance with the will of its founder, it operates in the canton of Geneva.
Seit 2019 vergibt das Netzwerk Thurgau Wissenschaft jährlich den Forschungspreis Walter Enggist. Der Preis ist mit 15‘000 Franken dotiert und zeichnet Arbeiten aus, die personell oder inhaltlich einen Bezug zum Kanton Thurgau haben.
Die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit bietet auf Grundlage der Idee des Liberalismus Angebote zur Politischen Bildung in Deutschland und in aller Welt. Mit unseren Veranstaltungen und Publikationen helfen wir Menschen, sich aktiv im politischen Geschehen einzumischen. Begabte junge Menschen fördern wir durch Stipendien.
Die Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) vergibt jährlich einen Preis für eine hervorragende Dissertation (GI-Dissertationspreis). Die Dissertation muss in der Informatik angesiedelt sein.
Die Gebert Rüf Stiftung fördert Innovationen zum Nutzen der Schweizer Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Durch den Anschub anwendungsorientierter Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte an Schweizer Hochschulen macht sie Wissenschaft wirksam. Bei der Projektselektion kommt eine handlungsfeldgestützte Förderstrategie zur Anwendung.
Der Stiftungszweck der Gerda Henkel Stiftung ist die Förderung der Wissenschaft, vornehmlich durch bestimmte fachlich und zeitlich begrenzte Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Geisteswissenschaft an Universitäten und Forschungsinstituten.
The "Germaine de Staël" programme promotes collaboration between French and Swiss researchers and research teams by providing funding towards travel and accommodation expenses incurred by their team members as part of attending meetings or conferences.
Auf Mandat des Bundes fördert das Programm Germaine-de-Staël französisch schweizerische Forschungspartnerschaften. Es steht allen Forschungsdisziplinen offen und deckt Reise- und Unterkunftskosten für kurze Aufenthalte beim Partnerteam. is your place to FIND and APPLY for federal grants (US). The United States Department of Health and Human Services is proud to be the managing partner for
The Great Minds Fellowship supports junior researchers to work on their habilitation or postdoctoral qualification. The funding serves to finance the applicant's salary.
The Green Box programme supports researchers of the University of St.Gallen and serves to swiftly promote innovative and unconventional scientific approaches, methods, theories, standards and ideas.
The University of St. Gallen announces the Hans Christoph Binswanger Fellowship and Prize. They are aimed at early-career researchers in social sciences and humanities, and they commemorate the significance of economics as a science serving human society and life.
Die Hasler Stiftung fördert primär Forschungs-, Bildungs- und Innovationsprojekte, welche die Weiterentwicklung der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) oder neuartige Anwendungen von IKT zum Gegenstand haben.
The Health Forward Programme supports research projects in the field of health sciences that enable the recipients to prepare and submit applications to national or international research funding bodies.
Die Helmuth M. Merlin Stiftung fördert rechts- oder staatwissenschaftliche Projekte.
The Holcim Foundation's purpose is to promote young scientists.
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is a science philanthropy whose mission is to advance basic biomedical research and science education for the benefit of humanity.
The Hult Prize Foundation, the world’s largest network of students trying to change the world through business, is providing students the chance to compete at the United Nations Headquarters in NY City and win the 1-Million-dollar prize to their university.
INFIИITE's mission is to foster the success of talented students from underprivileged backgrounds by allowing them to study in the world's best universities and to contribute to the development of a new generation of leaders, representative of our society.
To make the societal impact of its research more visible, the HSG has established the "Impact Award". This award honors research with a clearly identifiable impact in practice. The HSG awards up to three projects annually, one of which may have a specific regional impact. The projects may stem from all fields of research.
Innosuisse is the Swiss Innovation Promotion Agency. It is a federal entity under public law with a separate legal personality. Innosuisse’s role is to promote science-based innovation in the interests of industry and society in Switzerland.
Innovate UK and Innosuisse support innovative Projekte in Life Sciences, AI, semiconductor applications and quantum
Die Ausschreibung zielt darauf ab, Projekte des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts weiterzuentwickeln und zu etablieren. Es sollen Ansätze, Methoden, Ergebnisse sowie erfolgreiche Kollaborationen gefördert werden, um langfristige gesellschaftliche Veränderungen zu bewirken.
The International Co-Investigator Scheme provides funding for cross-border projects.
The IICT programme is targeted at researchers who wish to conduct an investigator initiated clinical trial. Support will be given to trials that address a documented unmet medical need and are of value to the patients but not in industry focus.
Die Janggen-Pöhn Stiftung hat zum Zweck, jungen Schweizerinnen und Schweizern, die bereits über einen akademischen Master-Abschluss verfügen, die weitere wissenschaftliche Ausbildung zu ermöglichen.
The John Templeton Foundation offers grants in support of research and public engagement in our major Funding Areas. They invest in bold ideas from contrarian thinkers — ideas that cross disciplinary boundaries and challenge conventional assumptions. And they fund innovative programs that engage the public with these ideas, in an effort to open minds, deepen understanding, and inspire curiosity.
The Last Mile programme supports researchers of the University of St.Gallen with funds of the Basic Research Fund (BRF) for the writing of research publications.
The mission of the Leducq Foundation is to improve human health through international efforts to combat cardiovascular and stroke.
Lendorse provides funding to cover tuition and living costs in exchange for a fixed percentage of your future salary. Through Income Share Agreement, the supported students obtain not only the necessary finances but also mentorship and relevant industrial advice to kickstart their careers.
Die Lienhard-Stiftung unterstützt gemeinnützige Projekte in der Ostschweiz in den Bereichen Berufsbildung, Kultur, Soziales, Sport und Wissenschaft.
The University of St. Gallen has a Loan and Scholarship Fund (DSF). This fund provides financial support to students at the assessment, bachelor, and master levels when the resources of their parents, guardians or other public and private institutions are exhausted or insufficient.
The Marcel Benoist Swiss Science Prize is awarded to established researchers whose work is relevant to all aspects of human life and society. The research must be of the highest quality, original, innovative and up-to-date. The awardee is recognised and has a strong track record.
Im SNF-Kursprogramm lernen und üben Sie mit erfahrenen Redakteurinnen und Redaktoren sowie Journalistinnen und Journalisten den starken Auftritt in Massenmedien. Sowohl vor Kamera und Mikrophon wie auch im Umgang mit Printmedien und Social Media. Sie entwickeln eine einfache und präzise Sprache, die Interesse weckt und Ihre Forschung auf den Punkt bringt.
Die gemeinnützige Tätigkeit der Metrohm Stiftung ist auf die Ostschweiz ausgerichtet mit Schwerpunkt auf den Kantonen AR/AI und St. Gallen. Ein Grossteil der Stiftungstätigkeit richtet sich auf die Förderung des naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts auf allen Stufen des Bildungssystems sowie auf Förderung der Wirtschaftsstruktur im Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden.
The Money follows Researcher process is aimed at researchers who move abroad and would like current SNSF funding to continue. In principle, a continuation of the project is possible in any country.
Der Nachwuchspreis der SAGW ist dem akademischen Nachwuchs der Schweiz gewidmet.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the largest public funder of biomedical research in the world, investing more than $32 billion a year to enhance life, and reduce illness and disability.
The SNSF finances the publication of scientific books that are freely and electronically accessible without restrictions or delays (Gold Open Access).
Die Paul Schiller Stiftung unterstützt gemeinnützige Projekte, die - eine nachhaltige Entwicklung fördern - eine integrative Gesellschaft fördern -.multiplikative Wirkung haben - aktuell und im allgemeinen Interesse sind
Students starting a postgraduate course are eligible to apply for a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary.
The “Prix Média” is endowed with CHF 10,000 and stands for excellence in science journalism. It recognizes the important role of journalists at the interface between science and society. The “Prix Média Newcomer” awards three projects in science journalism with 3,000 CHF and a winning prize of 4,000 CHF.
Promoting research and teaching in the areas of business and economics from the ecological and/or ethical perspectives: that is the purpose set up by the Ambros Lüthi Foundation established in late 2012
The Publication Fund supports the publication of scientific outcomes worked out by the HSG`s faculty.
The Research Panel Fund can be used to finance academic conferences and conventions at the HSG.
The Russell Sage Foundation supports innovative research that uses behavioural insights from psychology and other social sciences to examine and improve social and living conditions in the US.
The SNIS promotes academic research in the interdisciplinary area of international studies with an interest in phenomena that transcend traditional nation-state boundaries.
The SNIS Award was established to encourage outstanding young scientists at the beginning of their careers. Every year, the SNIS Award is granted for the best PhD thesis received in a Swiss University on a subject related to International Studies.
The SNIS Award prizes the best Ph.D. thesis received in a Swiss University on a subject related to International Studies.
In its annual call for projects the SNIS invites academic researchers active in international studies to submit project proposals.
The SNSF Scientific Image Competition encourages researchers working in Switzerland to present their works to the public and the media. Photographs, images and videos will be rated in terms of their aesthetic quality and their ability to inspire and amaze, to convey or illustrate knowledge, to tell a human story or to let us discover a new universe.
The SNSF Starting Grant enables grantees to lead an independent research project and manage a team of researchers in Switzerland.
The bilateral programmes of the Swiss Confederation are aimed at promoting and strengthening scientific cooperation with non-European countries that show high or promising research potential.
Agora supports researchers from all disciplines and career stages who want to communicate with the public. The scheme aims to promote the spread of knowledge as well as the exchange of views and perspectives about scientific research.
Ambizione grants are aimed at young researchers who wish to conduct, manage and lead an independent project at a Swiss higher education institution.
Flexibility grants are aimed at postdocs and doctoral students who have to look after children at an important stage in their career and are therefore in need of more flexibility.
The gender equality grant is aimed at young women researchers funded by the SNSF. It offers them additional individualised and flexible support for their career development.
The Lead Agency process is aimed at researchers in Switzerland who wish to conduct a cross-border research project.
Mobility grants are aimed at researchers who wish to improve their scientific profile by going abroad while being employed in an ongoing SNSF research project.
NCCRs are aimed at established researchers in Switzerland who wish to pursue a long-term research project on a theme of strategic importance.
NRPs are aimed at researchers in Switzerland who want to study topics of national significance. The research topics of the individual programmes are specified by the Federal Council.
Research in all disciplines: Project funding is aimed at experienced researchers working in Switzerland who wish to obtain funding for a project of their own. The research topic can be chosen freely.
R'Equip is aimed at researchers in Switzerland who need top-quality, innovative equipment for their research work.
The Swiss Programme for International Research by Scientific Investigation Teams promotes team-oriented cross-border research.
The purpose of responsible research is to encourage methodologically rigorous and societally beneficial studies contributing knowledge with the potential to make the world a better place. We call for nominations of published work that exemplifies the principles of responsible research.
The Simons Foundation’s mission is to advance the frontiers of research in mathematics and the basic sciences.
The Social and Cultural Fund supports student initiatives and the improvement of the social situation of students of the University of St.Gallen.
Society in Science – The Branco Weiss Fellowship is a unique postdoc program. It awards young researchers around the world with a generous personal research grant, giving them the freedom to work on whatever topic they choose anywhere in the world, for up to five years.
The Sophie and Karl Binding Foundation invites applications for its project funding. Topics: •environment; •society; •social cohesion; and •culture
The aim of Spark is to fund the rapid testing or development of new scientific approaches, methods, theories, standards, ideas for applications, etc.
Der Kanton St.Gallen gewährt Stipendien und Studiendarlehen. Anspruchsberechtigt sind Personen, deren stipendienrechtlicher Wohnsitz im Kanton St.Gallen befindet. Stipendien werden gewährt, soweit die anrechenbaren Kosten den Auszubildenden und deren Eltern nicht zugemutet werden können.
The Stepping Stone Programme supports research projects at the University of St.Gallen that enable recipients to prepare and submit applications to national or international research funding bodies.
Die Stiftung Mercator Schweiz setzt sich für eine weltoffene und engagierte Gesellschaft ein, die verantwortungsvoll mit der Umwelt umgeht und allen jungen Menschen die Möglichkeit bietet, ihr Potenzial zu entfalten.
An unique, innovative, sustainable, and successful startup of a HSG-affiliate is decorated every year with the Jackstädt-Award “HSG Founder of the Year”.
The Volkswagen Foundation is dedicated to the support of the humanities and social sciences as well as science and technology in higher education and research.
Das WiWi-Talents Programm wurde im Jahr 2005 mit dem Ziel ins Leben gerufen, Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und angrenzender Fachbereiche ideell zu unterstützen und die überregionale Vernetzung zwischen Unternehmen und dem Fach- und Führungskräftenachwuchs voranzubringen.
Die Stiftung wissenschaftliche Politikstipendien ermöglicht AbgängerInnen der Schweizer Hochschulen, die politischen Prozesse im Bundeshaus «live» zu erleben. Die StipendiatInnen unterstützen als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende der Parlamentsdienste während eines Jahrs das Schweizer Parlament und lernen dessen Arbeitsweise kennen.
Der Wissenschaftsverbund Vierländerregion Bodensee möchte mittels der Entwicklung innovativer Lösungen zur erfolgreichen Gestaltung der gesellschaftlichen Folgen der digitalen Transformation von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in der Vierländerregion Bodensee beitragen.