Welcome to the Funding Finder of the University of St. Gallen!

Are you looking for financial support for your studies? Or do you need funding for your research?
Choose the appropriate category below and find all relevant funding types of scholarships, study loans, grants, awards, prizes and other financial help that foster your personal career in your studies or your research.

Upcoming deadlines for submission

  1. Hans Christoph Binswanger Fellowship and Prize

    The University of St. Gallen announces the Hans Christoph Binswanger Fellowship and Prize. They are aimed at early-career researchers in social sciences and humanities, and they commemorate the significance of economics as a science serving human society and life.Deadline 30.09.2024

  2. SNSF: Project funding in all disciplines

    Research in all disciplines: Project funding is aimed at experienced researchers working in Switzerland who wish to obtain funding for a project of their own. The research topic can be chosen freely.Deadline 01.10.2024

  3. Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit

    Die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit bietet auf Grundlage der Idee des Liberalismus Angebote zur Politischen Bildung in Deutschland und in aller Welt. Mit unseren Veranstaltungen und Publikationen helfen wir Menschen, sich aktiv im politischen Geschehen einzumischen. Begabte junge Menschen fördern wir durch Stipendien.Deadline 31.10.2024

  4. SNSF: Ambizione

    Ambizione grants are aimed at young researchers who wish to conduct, manage and lead an independent project at a Swiss higher education institution.Deadline 01.11.2024

  5. Mobility grant for doctoral students of the University of St.Gallen (Mobi.Doc)

    The University of St.Gallen supports young researchers with the new “Mobility grant for doctoral students of the University of St.Gallen” (Mobi.Doc) who would like to strengthen their academic profile with a research stay abroad and are not employed within an SNSF project. Deadline 02.11.2024

  6. Research Panel Fund at the University of St. Gallen

    The Research Panel Fund can be used to finance academic conferences and conventions at the HSG.Deadline 02.11.2024

  7. SPIRIT – Swiss Programme for International Research by Scientific Investigation Teams

    The Swiss Programme for International Research by Scientific Investigation Teams promotes team-oriented cross-border research.Deadline 02.11.2024