Migros: Grants for local projects and initiatives

Financial support for projects that strengthen social cohesion. The "Social Affairs Projects and Initiatives" funding programme supports local, regional and national projects and initiatives that aim to strengthen social sustainability. In doing so, they contribute to solving an issue that is widely discussed and relevant to society. A particular focus is on strengthening social commitment, dialogue and encounters.

Applications from non-profit organisations based in Switzerland are accepted. They support a wide range of social issues that strengthen social sustainability. For example: inclusion and participation, neighbourhood development and neighbourhoods, poverty, cultural diversity, equal opportunities, (extracurricular) education, volunteering and care. In reality, these topics are closely interlinked. It is important that the target groups are always actively involved in the projects and that they can contribute their needs while the project is being planned.


at any time (at least three month before the start of the project)



Level of education

Assessment level, bachelor student, master student, PhD student, Researcher with Ph.D.

Funding Types



2'000-10'000 CHF

Last update


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