“ici. here together.” gives money and professional advice to local and regional projects that bring together people from a wide array of cultural backgrounds and enable them to take part in day-to-day life in Switzerland. The Changemaker Grants from "ici. together here." are a chance for support to develop as an organisation and to share experiences with others. They are aimed at non-profit associations and organisations that are active in the field of integration and peaceful coexistence and have a social relevance in these areas.
Main Objects are:
- Celebrating and strengthening voluntary work: Better supporting volunteers and appreciating their work; Defining who coordinates and is responsible for volunteering; Strengthening the skills of volunteers
- Promoting equal collaboration: Critically scrutinising structures and processes; Making information accessible to all; Promoting diversity in decision-making groups and enabling greater co-determination
3 years
Level of education
Assessment level, bachelor student, master student, PhD student, Researcher with Ph.D.
Next Deadlines
Funding Types
60'000-150'000 CHF
Last update