SNIS promotes academic research in the interdisciplinary area of international studies with an interest in phenomena that transcend traditional nation-state boundaries.
They provide grants for research projects that meet the following criteria: Theme: The research projects must fall within the realm of international studies. SNIS embraces a comprehensive understanding of international studies, encompassing issues that are relevant to the global agenda and require international cooperation to generate policy-relevant outcomes. Method: Projects must be pluri- and trans-disciplinary, meaning they must incorporate various academic disciplines and involve collaborations with International Organizations and/or NGOs.
The General Call : in any area of International Studies as defined above;
Theme 2025 : defined by the SNIS International Geneva Committee: ‘Leveraging Emerging Technologies in an Era of Disruption and Growing Inequality’
Rue Rothschild 20 CH-1202 Genève
+41 22 525 05 47
Application Info
It is a two-stage procedure, with a pre-proposal to submit before the full proposal.
Annually; pre-proposal deadline 29 January 2025; full proposal deadline 14 May 2025 (12:30 CET)
Max. 2 years
Level of education
PhD student, Researcher with Ph.D.
Next Deadlines
Funding Types
scholarships / personnel costs, project, collaborative project
CHF 100'000 - 300'000
Last update