SNSF: Flexibility Grant

Flexibility grants are aimed at postdocs and doctoral students who have to look after children at an important stage in their career and are therefore in need of more flexibility.
The Flexibility Grant offers researchers two options to balance their professional and private lives: on the one hand, it can provide funding to help cover the external child care costs charged to the researcher. On the other hand, it can be used to help finance the salary of a support person, allowing the grantee to reduce his/her work quota. The two measures can also be combined.

Participation requirements: You are the main carer, providing a least half of the child care for your children (till the end of primary school).You are the main carer, providing a least half of the child care for your children (till the end of primary school). The criterion of providing at least half of childcare is also met if both persons responsible for childcare have a work-time percentage of 80 per cent each.
You are employed as a doctoral student or postdoc in a research project funded by the SNSF. An additional requirement for postdocs is a work-time percentage of at least 80%; doctoral students can apply for coverage of child care costs irrespective of their work-time percentage.


Grants Office


at any time




Level of education

PhD student, Researcher with Ph.D.

Funding Types

scholarships / personnel costs, project

Last update


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