The Scientific Exchanges funding scheme is aimed at researchers planning to organise a scientific event in Switzerland, invite colleagues from abroad for a research visit to Switzerland, or visit their colleagues abroad. The types of scientific event covered by the scheme include scientific conferences and workshops.
Research visits by Swiss researchers to other countries or by researchers from abroad to Switzerland are funded for a period of 1 to 6 months. For scientific events, the travel expenses, accommodation and meals of participants from abroad as well as certain costs of online or hybrid events are covered, for research visits those of travelling guests.
Application Info
Applicants for Scientific Exchanges must be employed at least 20 percent by an eligible institution in Switzerland. Applications for scientific events may also be submitted by persons without a doctorate.
At any time (at least 4 months before the event or visit).
1-6 months
Level of education
PhD student, Researcher with Ph.D.
Funding Types
scholarships / personnel costs, conferences, travel expenses
Last update