Russell Sage Foundation: Pipeline Grants Competition

The Russell Sage Foundation was established by Margaret Olivia Sage in 1907 for "the improvement of social and living conditions in the United States." The foundation supports visiting scholars in residence and publishes books and a journal under its own imprint. It also funds researchers at other institutions and supports programs intended to develop new generations of social scientists. This initiative will support early-career scholars and promote diversity in the social sciences, including racial, ethnic, gender, disciplinary, institutional, and geographic diversity. Pipeline grantees are paired with mentors who offer advice on their projects and career development.

Pipeline Grants Competition is co-funded with the Economic Mobility and Opportunity program at the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation.

The primary goal of the Pipeline Grants Competition is to support innovative research on economic mobility and access to opportunity in the United States. Thex are also interested in research focused on structural barriers to educational attainment, economic mobility, political and civic engagement, and how individuals, communities and state entities understand, navigate and challenge systemic inequalities.

Grantees are expected to present their findings at a conference at the end of the one-year grant, where other grantees, mentors, and other senior scholars will participate.



12 month


Forschende mit Promotion

Nächste Einreichfristen



Stipendien / Personalkosten, Projekte


max. 50.000 USD

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